Sarah & Mark
20 September 2022

Our Love Story...

If we had to tell you one thing about us… it would be that we’re so thankful. Thankful that God brought us together. In life you interact with a lot of different people, but only once in a lifetime do you find someone who is your perfect match. We’re so excited to be getting married and most of all excited to share our lives with one another. We are also grateful for the support of our family and friends over the past two years and feel blessed to have you all in our lives. We look forward to sharing this special moment with you!

I do!

Sarah Johnson19.12.1986

Sarah is amazing. When I first met her I knew she was amazing and every passing day reminds me of just how amazing she is!

I really love her incredibly unique blend of talents, interests, and personality. She’s a talented artist, always excited about trying new things, and a genuinely loving person.

She’s everything I’ve always dreamed of and I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with her!

Me too!

Mark Rohdes25.11.1983

Someone once told me that “when you meet the right person, you’ll know.” Well, I just knew. Right away, we connected in a way that left me feeling whole and complete.

Mark has a truly amazing heart and I love how genuine and balanced he is about everything.

I am so incredibly blessed and excited to spend everyday for the rest of my life with my best friend!

Today and always, beyond tomorrow, I need you beside me, always as my best friend, lover and forever soul mate.

03 May: He saw Her

Mark and Sarah crossed paths multiple times in college, but it wasn’t until after Mark graduated that they met through mutual friends from Oregon State University. The first night they officially met was at Kell’s Irish Pub, downtown Portland.

Mark spotted Sarah and asked their mutual friend Tom about her. At the end of the night, Tom insisted that Mark and Sarah talk on the phone, so he called Sarah, handed Mark the phone, and the rest is history…

10 June: The First Date

Mark took Sarah to Thirst Wine Bar on the Willamette River for their first date in June of 2014, just before Sahra went back to OSU for her last year of school.

After dinner and drinks, they decided to walk the docks on the Portland Waterfront, but Sarah couldn’t even imagine what awaited her. Mark had also planned a romantic boat trip that turned out to be one of the most fun and unforgettable moments of their lives.

June: The First Kiss

Mark was extremely nervous. He was afraid to expose his feelings to sarah, but didn’t want to risk staying in the friend zone. So it was now or never! After all, Sarah was the one. After a pleasant walk in the park, it was time to say goodbye. Just as she started to walk away from him, he grabbed her waist and pulled her close. Then, he kissed her with passion. “It was about time!” she said. It was…PERFECT!

19 November: The First Vacations

They had taken overnight trips before, but this was their first huge vacations outside the USA. Sarah and Mark travelled to the Baltic region and visited a number of countries including Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Poland and Germany . It was a 24 day fabulous trip! It was super intense but so rewarding for both.


14 April: They moved together

Just a year after they met, Mark and Sarah finally decided to move in together. Although it seemed a hasty decision, they thought it made perfect sense at that point in their lives.

Due to Sarah’s work, which required some schedule flexibility, it began to be increasingly difficult for them to be with one another. It was at this momment that both realized they needed (more than ever), the support and comfort that only they could give each other.

With the help of their families, they moved forward with this important decision and bought their first home together. And I must add that … it was the best decision they ever made!

04 July: She said yes!

So how did Mark pop the question? On a Cruise … off the shore … of the Cayman Islands! (YES!) On their way down to dinner with the Ship’s Captain, Mark’s nerves got the best of him and he pulled Sarah back to the room and straight onto the balcony for the best proposal a girl could ask for!

The Wedding

Sarah And Mark
Happily invite you to celebrate their wedding
at four in the afternoon

The Wedding Location

  • Ceremony
  • Reception
  • Accomodations Nearby
  • Transportation

Ceremony 4:00 PM

Birchwood Church

4181 Birchwood Ave Seal Beach, CA
33.776825, -118.059113

Reception 5:30 PM

Old Ranch Country Club

29033 West Lake Drive, Agoura Hills, CA
33.776025, -118.065314

Bridesmaids & Groomsmen

Wedding Gifts

Check our wedding gift list

Macy's Target

Want to help with the wedding

Want to help with the honeymoon

Wedding Blog

17 May

Destinations for our honeymoon

1. Keep the Ceremony Realistic When you consider that the average wedding costs over $20,000, you may be thinking that there’s no way you ...

17 May

Wedding Cakes: What’s Trending?

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17 May

DIY: A Garden Rose Bouquet

1. Keep the Ceremony Realistic When you consider that the average wedding costs over $20,000, you may be thinking that there’s no way you ...

17 May

5 ways to have a beautiful wedding

1. Keep the Ceremony Realistic When you consider that the average wedding costs over $20,000, you may be thinking that there’s no way you ...


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    * May not be fully accurate!